How does the small guy keep up with this? It takes a lot of long hours and dedicated work to make sure your client gets the recognition they deserve. Through a number of cross links, news stories posted on other web sites, creating social networks that cover the topics you are promoting along with all the traditional advertising that can be afforded is the way to the top for the web site you are promoting.
Recently I started working with Jamie Fresh who is just finishing up a book on Ricky Nelson and is getting ready to make a movie based on that book, I had to do a number of web searches on Jamie and his presence on the web is near zero. This is a shame as Jamie is a very talented entertainer and very well known throughout the entertainment industry and is also a great guy to boot. The task at hand is to now promote Jamie to the public through the internet as his book is sure to be a major hit especially with a movie deal attached to it.
So our recommendations to you if you are not a big company with deep pockets is to hire a good independent IT person who will take you on as a client and do all the proper work for you in getting you recognized. Jamie will soon have a very strong presence on the internet with or without my help, but without the right help, people will find his new book and up coming movie, but may never get to know Jamie for his hard work and dedication to these projects.
Pictured above from left to right: Chuck Thompson, (Your Host), Jamie Fresh and Joel Cody.
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